Careers Feedback


Thrive helps public housing tenants, including Aboriginal Housing, who are at-risk of eviction to retain their home.

We manage tenancies in five regions across the state; North Metropolitan, South Metropolitan, East Metropolitan, Great Southern and South West.

We help to identify and resolve the root cause of clients’ problems and work with them to develop a strategy to build the skills and capability to them to live independently. We aim for early intervention to support our clients as effectively as possible.

The program helps address issues that are impacting clients’ wellbeing such as family and domestic violence, relationship breakdowns and managing overcrowding. We also assist with the clients’ maintenance needs.

How can I join?

Call us on 6263 8622 or speak with your Housing Support Office.

Here to support

How can we help?

We can help with things like:

Icon Family and domestic violence
Icon Maintaining a home
Icon Supporting children or youth
Icon Managing visitors and overcrowding
Icon Financial budgeting

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